About Us

About Us

Wyre Historic Books are a publisher of military history and wargames books based in Worcestershire in the UK.

Our first publication will be a set of wargames rules, Twilight of the Soldier Kings, for fighting large historical battles in the era of Frederick the Great. In addition to the rules a scenario booklet featuring 12 battles from this era will also be available. See below for more details.

The Twilight of the Soldier Kings rules are the latest in a series of rules and scenario booklets. More information about these is here - Home . They can be purchased here - Catalogue

These earlier rules covered the period before these rules, approximately 1618 to 1721 and are available from the Pike and Shot Society, https://www.pikeandshotsociety.org . Further information is available here - The Twilight Series

Contact: wyrehistoricbooks@gmail.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/157679378378394/ (General Group) and www.facebook.com/groups/ToDR.ToSK/ (Groupe Francophone)